This Is Me


It was a good hair day.  I may never change this picture.

Greater than gravity is a lyric from my favorite song.  It comes close, but doesn’t quite hit the depth of love I feel for my family.  I’m Wendy, the smarty-pants mom of two teenagers–one sweet, old soul and one who keeps-it-close-to-the-vest, the one who happens to be diagnosed with muscular dystrophy.  My husband is a terrific guy, and I do know I’m a lucky girl, though outnumbered by Y-chromosome carriers in our household 3-1.  I am a school-based speech-language pathologist with decades and decades of experience.  Music saves my life every single day, and I live for the band Barenaked Ladies.  I have the world’s worst visual-motor integration skills which means I have to rely on my wit and a keyboard for any outward expression of creativity.

This blog began as a mechanism to save my sanity after learning our son had MD, though the jury’s still out on its effectiveness toward that end.  Turns out I enjoy writing, but anymore I don’t write so much about our “journey” with this disease; I’ll never write about a journey of any type not involving actual transit–just can’t get behind the term journey as it relates to personal revelation with illness or disease.  Any journey with MD is a one-way ticket to a place I don’t even want to know exists.  I do write about being a parent, but you have to know that I’m quick to take a detour or two.  Or three.  And I have a potty mouth.  I’m funny sometimes, but I acknowledge that I’m nowhere near as funny as I think I am.  I’m an easy crowd that way.

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32 thoughts on “This Is Me

  1. Wendy –
    You have no idea who I am, but I want you to know that I just “binge-read” your entire blog, start to finish, in 2.5 days. I heard about your blog from my friend, a young SLP coworker(?) of yours who respects and looks up to you. She told me how wonderful you (and your blog) were and I put off reading for a few months until I had some extra time. This week I had some extra time, and here we are, 2.5 days later. You’re absolutely wonderful and I am jealous of your ability to write without reserve.
    I have never met you, maybe never will, but I can HEAR how you talk because of your writing. It’s amazing. You’ve had me asking myself questions I’ve never asked myself before (what’s my 1% skill? I still don’t know for sure…), you’ve had me laughing hysterically (at work…oops! I can’t help but laugh at a brilliantly placed swear), and the story you’re writing is for real. Thanks for enriching my mind and my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have paid me more compliments here than I deserve in a year, and words will fail as I try to express my thanks. Thank you, Lauren. I work with some talented, exceptionally bright young SLPs who teach me a ton right back every day. Even on the days I don’t feel so lucky, I know that I am. Your message is proof of that. Please thank your friend for me!


  2. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger – Nominated! | Pointless & Prosaic

  3. Pingback: I would like to thank the academy… | Pointless & Prosaic

  4. So glad I found you; I was devouring The Psycho Mom’s blog when I read your comment and decided to hop on over and check out your blog. I am so glad that I did! I can totally relate to your feeling outnumber (4:1) as I am the mom to three happy go lucky sons (all grown and on their own now) but the testosterone fuelled feeling never truly leaves the house … When my youngest son was six, he was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes and, when my second son was 15, he, too, was diagnosed with it. While the condition is different from what you and your son are dealing with, I can certainly relate to the worry, anxiety and stress that accompanies living with a chronic illness. It is not easy but somehow we manage to get through it all. Congrats on the nominations!

    Liked by 2 people

    • What a super cool thing to read! Thank you very much, Linda. Life with boys is a trip, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything, and I’d guess you’d say the same thing! Thank you for sharing your sons’ medical info–you captured those feelings so accurately. I’m looking forward to checking your blog too–I’m enjoying so many new writers here in the blogosphere! Thanks for saying something so nice.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading, and for saying something positive–who doesn’t love that? And thanks for knowing what an SLP is–you either are one or have a sister/aunt/cousin who is one. Most people don’t know quite what we do or how we fit. Looking forward to reading more from you!


  5. Ok so I think we need to go have virtual coffee together. i started blogging for myself as my own hobby after i had a little boy with down syndrome. I am a occupational therapist as well. So different diagnosis and different therapies, but relate very much to your writing. Can’t wait to delve into more of your blog. So glad I found you on blogging meetup

    Liked by 2 people

    • You will find bloggers to be amazing company! Thank you so much for checking in here. Sometimes I wonder with our therapeutic background, knowing and working with lots of “worst case scenarios” affects us more a parents than it might otherwise. Something a little but not quite like that saying “a little knowledge is dangerous. . .” I’m looking forward to checking out your site!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Wendy, I’m a mom too except now I’m a mom to adult kids 😦 Bigger issues too. I have 4 boys and 1 girl…4 grandkids and one on the way. Family is my everything and so is music. I have a song for every occasion. My oldest got his BA in piano performance. He’s an amazing on piano player. My 2 youngest are professional Ballet dancer’s out east (even though it can be like the circus with all the auditions and yadayadaya). They have learned what the term, “Starving Artist,” is all about. The daughter is a nurse. I have had nurses around me my whole life. My mom was a nurse, my sister is a nurse and now the daughter is the nurse. This is my happy place and I’m glad I found you. Sometimes life can deal you a pretty cruel hand. I know, trust me. I suffered a traumatic brain injury (coma for 5 weeks !!) and paralyzed on my left side (rehab got me back to normal) from a car accident when I was only 21 and a young married. Our 2nd son, Sean Patrick is our angel that watches over his family. He was only 7 months when he left us due to a Spinal disorder. I try to have faith and believe in something that is bigger than me and my life. I hope that I don’t sound to preachy b/c that’s not what I’m trying to do. I just want you to know that you are not alone ever. There is something above watching over all of us. Blessings to you and your family ❤ It's sounds to me like you've got this so don't be shy and please stop by again…<3

    Liked by 2 people

    • I saw your cast of characters on your “about” page–how wonderful and how proud you must be to have helped your children become such successes! Looking forward to reading more of your stories, Scarlett. It sounds like you’ve been dealt some tough hands to play, but that your heart and supports are in the right places. Sending nothing but the best your way!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you fo stopping by. I try and just look at this like, “Hey this is just your life.” You play the hand you are dealt. You are never given more than you can handle….At least that’s what they say. Sometimes though I’d like to find out who exactly, “They,” are🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼 Have a great week. They use to dance on Milwaukee Ballet. I have a lot of family in Wisconsin. I thought I saw that’s where you’re from.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: I would like to thank the academy… – Pointless & Prosaic

  8. Pingback: Whaz Up?!? Mourning Magawa – The Psy of Life

  9. Pingback: Whaz Up!?! Fully Repaired, Nearly Replaced, and Ready to Go! – The Psy of Life

  10. Pingback: A History of the Blog (So Far)—and a Programming Update

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